I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I had this note waiting in my email when the internet came back on:


Last night Nancy dreamt anxiously that the Fair started today. And we weren’t ready…So, I’m in the swing of it now—the asking for desserts.So if you can think of folks who have never participated, that’d be great.Nancy and I would like to try and get more pies because they are the big hit… or at least know which day and what type dessert is coming in to track better.
Thanks and see you there with your dessert (:-)…Beth”
And as I would like to help Beth and Nancy and Hospice and am on the board too- but have been a little slacking lately in the fundraising department (I was supposed to host a golf scramble for Hospice this month. I still would like to– maybe next month? If it ever stops raining?) Anyway, if you would like to bake a pie or cake for the Hospice fair booth next week (not this weekend as Nancy anxiously dreamed…) please email me at Hlende@aptalaska.net or call me 766-2852 and I will sign you up– just let me know what you will bring and what day you can bring it.. Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, although Sunday we usually have enough leftovers. Thank you ever so much.