I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Well, February is coming in like a Glacier Bear. Tonight at 7:00 the Debate, Drama and Forensics team host their always entertaining and filling dessert auction fundraiser for travel to the state championship. At 6:00 the women’s choir meets to practice the Star Spangled Banner which we will sing tomorrow night at the basketball game if the Craig boys can fly in– the JV play at 6:30, varsity at 8:00. Saturday morning at 7:30 the 4th grade has a pancake feed in the cafeteria to raise money for their Yukon trip, and at 10:00 it is the Haines Winter Olympics at the the Fairgrounds. At noon there is a Valentine bazaar at the ANB Hall (’til 4:00), and at 1:00  the annual  ladies Valentine Tea at the Presbyterian Church– and after that more games at the Karl Ward Gym.  Sunday night at 6:00 the Arts Council Presents the annual Northern Lights Showcase of local talent, in the Chilkat Center– and Monday and Tuesday there are more Glacier Bear basketball games with the girls playing Wrangell. (I think, I hope I got this straight,  they have been fiddling with the schedule to fit them in after last week’s cancellation– check with the school to be sure.) In the meantime, there is a winter storm warning continuing for more snow– there’s only about six inches or so now, but be careful, because it is on top of all that ice and the footing and driving is pretty scary. We had to make a human chain to get our well balanced leader from her car to the Chilkat Center back door for Morning Muscles. I know, I should have had my camera, but the battery died when I was playing with Lani yesterday and I forgot to charge it. Either that, or her high wattage performance blew a fuse. She’s a bigger star at our house than Beyonce…