Last week’s election now has results. Tresham took 19 of the absentee and question ballots last night and Jerry had 7. (They had been tied 411-411 before the count.) So Tresham is the new assembly member. Congratulations! Also, the assembly voted to reconsider the majorly offensive minor offenses ordinance and sent it back to committee. How about that? Thank you to Joanne for reconsidering her vote and allowing that to happen.
The Planning Commission meets Thursday at 6:30, and we have a helicopter port conditional use application for a heliski outfit at 36 Mile, a 72 lot subdivision preliminary plat, and will be discussing trailers for retail or food sales.
That means I will miss the first women’s choir practice at 6-7 pm sharp at the museum Thursdays thru the winter. Nancy Nash directs the community chorus, and all women who like to sing are welcome, there are no auditions and it’s just fun and good for body and soul. Call Nancy at 766-2791 if you have questions. While you are at it congratulate her on her daughter’s new book That’s right, Nori Nash is now a romance novelist with a nom de plume!