Alaska Reads
October Alaska Reads Schedule
(All events via Zoom unless noted. Check with local libraries or schools for links)
Tuesday Oct. 6
9:00 am Alaska Reads introduction on Hometown Radio on KSKA
Oct. 8,
7PM talk with Fairbanks and North Pole
Oct. 9
6pm talk with Bethel and Aniak
Oct. 13
Noon writing workshop in Haines
7pm reading and Q &A in Haines
Oct. 14
7Pm in Nome
Oct. 15
7PM with 49 Writers
3:30-4:40 UAF student visit
7PM UAF reading
Oct. 17
11 am talk in Seward
3pm in Anchorage
Oct. 20
5:30 at Kenai and Cooper Landing
Oct. 22
6 pm Sitka
Oct. 24
2 pm Ketchikan
Oct. 26
7pm Valdez
Oct. 28
7pm Juneau
Oct. 29
Copper Basin, TBA
November AK Reads:
Nov. 2
6:30pm Delta Junction and Tok
Nov. 5
10-11am at Petersburg on KSTK
6:00pm Skagway
Nov. 6
7 pm Talkeetna
Nov. 7
5 pm Homer
Nov. 8
9am at Anchorage Unitarian Fellowship
Nov. 9
10:30 am workshop in Unalaska at the school
7pm talk in Unalaska
Nov. 14
noon Talkeetna , Big Lake, Wasilla and possibly Tri-Valley (TBA)