I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Alaska Reads

October Alaska Reads Schedule

(All events via Zoom unless noted. Check with local libraries or schools for links)

Tuesday Oct. 6
9:00 am Alaska Reads introduction on Hometown Radio on KSKA

Oct. 8,
7PM talk with Fairbanks and North Pole

Oct. 9
6pm talk with Bethel and Aniak

Oct. 13
Noon writing workshop in Haines
7pm reading and Q &A in Haines

Oct. 14
7Pm in Nome

Oct. 15
7PM with 49 Writers

3:30-4:40 UAF student visit
7PM UAF reading

Oct. 17
11 am talk in Seward
3pm in Anchorage

Oct. 20
5:30 at Kenai and Cooper Landing

Oct. 22
6 pm Sitka

Oct. 24
2 pm Ketchikan

Oct. 26
7pm Valdez

Oct. 28
7pm Juneau

Oct. 29
Copper Basin, TBA

November AK Reads:

Nov. 2
6:30pm Delta Junction and Tok

Nov. 5
10-11am at Petersburg on KSTK
6:00pm Skagway

Nov. 6
7 pm Talkeetna

Nov. 7
5 pm Homer

Nov. 8
9am at Anchorage Unitarian Fellowship

Nov. 9
10:30 am workshop in Unalaska at the school
7pm talk in Unalaska

Nov. 14
noon Talkeetna , Big Lake, Wasilla and possibly Tri-Valley (TBA)