I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Here is my dog walking companion in her wind-chill burka. (Yes, she can see out of it. And she says it works really well!) It’s actually a gauzy scarf. 

It was about 5 degrees and blowing something fierce on our morning walk along the beach where the Chilkat River meets the inlet, or usually does. The wind and cold have sucked all the moisture right out of the ground, it is just like the old song about the bleak midwinter– except this is March–   “Earth stood hard as iron; water like a stone.” 

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to work on the town cruise ship dock in this weather, but the crane crew is driving pilings.

I’m heading to Fairbanks this weekend to get warmer. Which is not what I had expected, as it’s usually much colder there than here– but this morning it was 16 there– I’m teaching a class at UAF Monday and it takes two days to get there from here.( Ferry to Juneau Friday, fly Saturday, leave Fairbanks Monday night for Juneau, then ferry or fly home the next day, or a few days later, weather depending.) Which means I’ll miss the BBBS Bowl for Kids’ Sake fundraiser Friday at 4 in the school gym , but I have donated to the local Big Brothers Big Sisters organization, it’s a great program, and you can too, just click here and select “donate to a bowler” and type a name in. My daughter Sarah Elliott has a team, so do a bunch more folks. The Mountain Film Fest is at Harriett Hall Friday night at 6. Great adventure movies, food and drink and a fun kick-off to the tourist season. Tickets are at the Babbling Book Store. Also there’s the economic summit 10-3 at the Chilkat Center Saturday, and the concert with Ruth Moody Saturday night at 7:30 which should be terrific, I hate to miss that.

Finally, word from the ski club is that the skiing is still wonderful at Chilkoot, and it’s not too windy there. Snow is in  the weekend forecast, so enjoy it while you can.