I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I know, what are the odds that I would be on a third medevac flight for a bike accident? This time it was to Anchorage’s Providence Hospital rather than Harborview in Seattle, and it wasn’t family, rather a friend who is like family. My neighbor Linnus the art teacher collided with a car in the alley behind the school parking lot on her way home from work Thursday and badly broke her lower leg. It’s a good thing she is very private and banned social media for the week as the early news was scary and worrisome. Following her first surgery to stabilize the knee (she has an external fixator just like I had on my pelvis only her titanium screws and carbon fiber rods are on her leg) she is doing very well, in good spirits, strong and healthy on all fronts, except for the lower left leg (as she says it is “a busted mess”) which the orthopedist says he can repair and have her back on the bike again, it will just take time and patience and physical therapy. The second surgery is Nov. 9, then she will be non-weight bearing until the middle of February. That’s why the school will get a sub for the rest of the year. So, that’s the news– for now- I will tell you a little more later, but I just got home (her family is there now) and have — this is ironic– the annual Kluane to Chilkat bike race board retreat at our house this weekend. The Canadian and Juneau board members arrive shortly and there are beds to change and food to prepare.

In the meantime, the paper had Linnus’s address wrong. (As I said everything changed hourly, it seemed in the first critical days but now is sort of firming up.) She is out of the hospital, but can’t fly home as it would be disruptive to the pre-surgery healing, and staying at the Clarion Suites Hotel 1110 W 8th Ave. Anchorage AK. 99501 Room 108 and will be there a few weeks. She does not need flowers or chocolate or books. (She has plenty). Cards are nice, or any small gift certificates to area eateries or grocery stores. She’s not a huge eater. (New Sagaya’s City Market is nearby on 13th Ave.)