It’s October, and that means Alaska Book Week is coming up. I used to be able to name the handful of great Alaska writers, now there are so many I can’t even fit all my contemporary books by Alaskan authors on the shelves that I tried to reserve for them, and they are spreading out all over my house. It doesn’t help that I’m still buying more– yesterday I picked up Jimmy Bluefeather, and I stayed up too late reading it. (I like Kim Heacox’s voice and stories so much that I would read his grocery lists.) Here in Haines we are having a cool event at the library Saturday. From 1-2:30 you can have a “speed date” style chat with a bunch of local authors including Nick Jans, Debi Knight Kennedy, Bob Atkins, and me. ( I want to talk with Bob about writing for Sports Afield Magazine.)
Thursday Oct. 8 from 6-8 I will be up in Anchorage at Barnes & Noble reading from Find the Good as part of Book Week festivities in the big city.