I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Forgive me for singing the Sound of Music’s “Climb every mountain…” but that’s where I am at after walking up Mt. Riley the other day with Chip. (His first time since the accident.)  We hadn’t planned on it, but I did bring a pack with chocolate, water, hand warmers and some extra layers, just in case it was colder up on top. This is when it is good to be a little over prepared. We also wore ice gripping boots (he had on his cleated goat hunting boots and I my micro-spikes) and took the poles, because you never know. It was a perfect day, sunny and mild (30) with a crunchy trail and a lot of brown and green in the woods still. The trail was busy– we saw five different hiking parties. Chip said it wasn’t a big deal.  But it was, and he was smiling, and I’m so happy he got the Christmas present he wanted most of all. I didn’t bring my camera on purpose, because some things are better left to the memory of how they feel, you know?

It is nice to be home, and to be staying home for a while. I like my dog walks (sunrise today was worth bundling up into the north wind for), yoga, the pool, choir, and I want to clean some closets and finish the novel. (I love writing that, but hey, why not? It’s pretty quiet around here, and I have a new desk.)

It’s good to learn the governor has halted spending on the Juneau-to- almost-Haines Road. Also, the Planning Commission has two vacant seats that Mayor Hill will be filling as soon as possible, so far there hasn’t been much interest, I think just one person has applied. It’s a good group and good work to do, and a good introduction into local government. Call or stop by the Borough office if you want to put your name in.

The Polar Bear Swim is New Year’s Day at 11:00 at the Port Chilkoot Dock beach. I probably will not see you there, but if I do I will not be wet. I prefer my water a lot warmer, but the folks who do it rave about it. 

And finally, have you thanked Ralph for those great red moose, wolf, and bear statues on the Borough office lawn? Dave Pahl for the downtown big hammer lights? Annette for the Fort lights? And the McCandless’s for the lights on the Senior Village?