This may be briefer than I had planned, as I’m babysitting and James just woke up and Molly is about to slide bottom first down the stairs. Yes, I am home from Australia, and the trip exceeded all expectations. Mostly, it was great to see our son so happy in the place he loves, with people he loves, a career as a chef that he loves, and now a baby and family to love. Christian’s sisters always joked that he would appear one day from some far off port with an “instafamily” and that has happened. His household is busy, and includes his partner, their baby, and her two little boys. Her parents and brothers are close by, and there are some 50 plus extended family members in Margaret River. Whoever is around meets for coffee once week.
And at the skatepark every day after school.
Of course Lila Chip is perfect.
And already a beach baby.
I’ve been in Juneau now for two weeks waiting for the next grandchild. She is taking her time, but honestly, my heart is practically bursting with gratitude that I am here now, and was just there, and because we are so rich in love.
James just said, “Mimi I want some toast. Be done with your computer.” But first he wanted me to show you this cow from a park in an Aussie cow town. Don’t you love it? What a world.