I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I arrived home a few hours before a full house for beerfest weekend and my son’s 26th birthday, which he flew home for. I’ve decided that the Haines beerfest (technically The 23rd Annual Great Alaska Craft Beer and Homebrew Festival) has become like a homecoming weekend for Haines kids– which makes it even more fun. (They all met lots of friends downtown after the festivities.) It’s sort of like the Little Norway Festival in Petersburg, without the Vikings and herring toss. Although it was certainly…colorful. (An iPad screen shot my friend Sue showed us. I was NOT there.)

Anyway,  at our more G rated home, there was a flurry of bed making, portable crib set ups, shopping (Chip said, “Who will eat all this food?” on Thursday, and by Monday morning he said, “Did we really eat three dozen eggs?”  Not to mention a can of whipped cream. Which was his fault.

Yes, it was all very fun. Even after the Sunday ferry broke down, which was good for us because it meant the Juneau kids were flying home after dinner and so we got one more family meal– but with all the beerfesters also trying to make it home, (about 1500 of them…) planes filled up fast so we had our son until Monday midday, which was nice. ( Monday night I was in bed by 8:00…)

 I head to Juneau tomorrow morning for an Alaskan author cruise with Hearthside Books Friday evening and a Find the Good signing downtown 1-3 on Saturday.

In the meantime, Pearl needs a bath. She rolled in the rotten remains of a sleeper shark and smells so bad my eyes are watering, after that, Caroline and I are finishing up the garden. ( I know, I’m late, but I haven’t been home), new chicks come next week so the coop needs freshening, but right now there’s a baby Stellar Jay who fell from his nest hopping around in there ( we tucked him in the run to keep him safe from the dogs) but his parents are hovering nearby and he has feathers so he should fly up to the spruce branches with them soon. The Episcopal Bishop of Alaska is visiting Haines this weekend but I won’t be here and I’d like to meet him.  Still, I’m very glad we have had one cloudy day, as all this sun and warmth (70s!) have made getting to my desk a challenge and I hope there’s noon yoga today, because I need it. 


I’m sorry to be so random– but I wanted to check in before I take off again, also, remind me to tell you the rabbit and the bicycle story next, okay? It’s good.