I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

When all is said and done, in my life,  this is what I have done best. Raise this family. I’m really proud of that. (I hope that’s not bragging?) I’m proud of them. Of us. And right now,  I wish I could freeze this moment in time.

Melissa Bastable Podsiki Ganey — Mel G Photography — Our friend and neighbor, for like, ever, came by yesterday and took some family pictures (Sarah arranged it, of course, being the most organized in the family.)

Growing up, we were all neighbors at Rutzebeck Lake and then on Mud Bay Rd. and Melissa’s dad Greg and I exchange coffee cake and cookies every Christmas, and now Melissa is a mom of four and a  photographer and takes the best family pictures in Haines (or anywhere, I would argue.) She made it all very easy and fast— (we did not have a stylist and no one declared any dress code–  but we matched in that family is family way.) The entire session lasted less than an hour– with all 5 families getting portraits, Christian and Ella taking engagement pics, and for us, this big family photo.(I’ll share more when I’m more organized!)

I have mixed feelings about this. The best family moments are in my head and heart. The formal photos seem more for after when we aren’t all together. And yet… I love them.

All day today I was a little tender. Twice I was teary for no real reason. True, I’m pretty tired, it is very hectic and noisy and Chip and I are sharing an antique bed in Papa Bob’s old room that we don’t fit in. It’s cozy, but crowded, you know? I have given up picking up or cleaning too much– there are only two more days left with everyone. We decided on brunch tomorrow instead of a last family dinner, since the bewitching hour is between 5 and 7pm, and we all know that pancakes and eggs are easiest with the little kids. Also, we can send them out the door  or off to read once they eat.

Yesterday, one of my sons-in-law asked me if I was an introvert or extrovert. “Extrovert”, I said. (And I love being alone. Today I walked for over an hour in the snowy fog with the dogs, all by myself. It saved me.)  But I do know for certain that being around people I like energizes me, especially my family.

I am also so grateful for the half of this family-crowd that lives in Haines. We/they are all here all the time. How lucky am I? High school basketball games are in my near future, cheering for a girls team that will include four cousins. My granddaughters.