I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Please don’t take it personally that I have been a little lax in keeping in touch. It has nothing to do with you I promise– Summer is not traditionally my desk time and this one even more so than others, but winter is, and it is coming. ( We are losing 5 minutes of light each day and there has been some dusting of snow in the mountains.)Also, election season is upon us, so that’s a sure sign of fall. Sunday evening between 5-7 join me and other friends of Margaret Friedenauer at the Klondike for free pizza and Margaret’s famous cup cakes (beverages for purchase).  

Margaret is running for borough assembly, and I for one am so grateful because I know she will be a great addition. She sent me a note about Sunday’s party that says:  “We’ll have campaign signs and flair available for the taking. Campaign donations gladly accepted. Most Importantly: No formal presentations but I’d love to meet with and chat with as many people as possible – full-fledged supporters or not decided yet – about the issues important to them this election season, what people are looking for in an assembly member and what I hope to bring to the table if elected.”

Also, tonight is the annual Fair membership meeting ( 5 pm) and appreciation dinner (6 pm) in Harriett Hall, tomorrow the museum is having a gourmet fund raising dinner at the Senior Center– there may still be tickets at the Babbling Book or call the museum at 766-2366, and there is a hospice fund raising house concert too, but that’s already sold out.  Luckily, there will be plenty of local, produce, jam, honey, baked goods and more at the farmer’s market 10-1 tomorrow. (Hopefully we will get a break in the weather and have a nice weekend.) Fall is in the air, and I’m pretty Pearl can smell it.