Please don’t take it personally that I have been a little lax in keeping in touch. It has nothing to do with you I promise– Summer is not traditionally my desk time and this one even more so than others, but winter is, and it is coming. ( We are losing 5 minutes of light each day and there has been some dusting of snow in the mountains.)Also, election season is upon us, so that’s a sure sign of fall. Sunday evening between 5-7 join me and other friends of Margaret Friedenauer at the Klondike for free pizza and Margaret’s famous cup cakes (beverages for purchase).
Margaret is running for borough assembly, and I for one am so grateful because I know she will be a great addition. She sent me a note about Sunday’s party that says: “We’ll have campaign signs and flair available for the taking. Campaign donations gladly accepted. Most Importantly: No formal presentations but I’d love to meet with and chat with as many people as possible – full-fledged supporters or not decided yet – about the issues important to them this election season, what people are looking for in an assembly member and what I hope to bring to the table if elected.”
Also, tonight is the annual Fair membership meeting ( 5 pm) and appreciation dinner (6 pm) in Harriett Hall, tomorrow the museum is having a gourmet fund raising dinner at the Senior Center– there may still be tickets at the Babbling Book or call the museum at 766-2366, and there is a hospice fund raising house concert too, but that’s already sold out. Luckily, there will be plenty of local, produce, jam, honey, baked goods and more at the farmer’s market 10-1 tomorrow. (Hopefully we will get a break in the weather and have a nice weekend.) Fall is in the air, and I’m pretty Pearl can smell it.