I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

The sun is out and the shadows are long. There’s a north wind blowing and it’s cooler. While there’s no snow in town to speak of, we may have skating ice soon if the weather pattern holds. The line up for the Christmas Parade tomorrow is at about 3:45 or 4:00 at Thor’s Gym (the old Elks Club) and for the Snow Dragon it’s the school cafeteria next door. This year the dragon has a new head man, but I will be right behind him with the fire extinguisher filled with flour for the fire-breathing smoke. After the parade, which begins at 4:30, the Uglys host Gifts for Grub at the Legion with pulled pork and side side salads in exchange for a new gift or money to help with gifts for those kids whose families are struggling this year. It’s a nice event. 

I also have a few rehearsals coming up for the Holly Jolly Follies (it’s next Saturday night at 7). I think I may be in a skit, and singing. Hopefully in disguise?

In the meantime, the Planning Commission meeting went late last night. It was a challenge to balance the needs of the residents in a quiet hillside neighborhood versus a grandfathered commercial gravel pit. The pit won. I was the lone vote for the residents, which happens just about every time, so I’m used to that now. 

On the way to the pool this morning (a long swim is a great way to wake up) the stars and holiday lights were all out (the J O Y  in the upstairs windows of the 100 year-old Alaska Indian Arts building facing the harbor is my current favorite display, with the P E A C E facing the Parade Grounds second) –I listened to a Story Corps piece on KHNS. A young woman spoke about the lessons her grandmother taught her. When she said you can learn a lot about life in the kitchen, I turned the radio up. The world is like a good soup, the good grandmother told her granddaughter; some people are potatoes and some are onions, leeks, beets, carrots– One is no less valuable than the other. Together they are better than alone. I’m making soup next time a grandchild is over. It would work with Christmas cookies too– ginger and sugar, butter and chocolate– Let’s all share this, shall we? 

(Pearl is not as concerned about food right now as she usually is. She wants to know why we can bring a whole tree in the house and her stick must stay outside.)