So, I am here, and fine, and I apologize if I worried some of you. I had to go to Anchorage right after the election and have just returned. It was kind of interesting speaking to the Alaska Broadcasters Association and the Unitarian Fellowship right after the election, to say the least, but I think I did okay. I will share with you some of the Unitarian pastor’s comments, which were heartening, when I receive them.
Also, on a local level, election night the Haines Borough Assembly met and awarded the harbor construction bid, and I have been a critic, and had hoped for a community wide vote on the steel wall design, but that was nixed by the mayor. (She broke the tie.)I did still vote “no” on the motion to award the bid, mainly because I have not been convinced– despite asking for some proof of funding– that Haines can afford to finish, operate, maintain, and replace the harbor as designed without any cost to residents or harbor users. That said, now that we voted for it, I will do my best to make sure it’s the best harbor we can make it- and that future phases have a lot more public hearings and citizen influence.
This morning I walked the dogs on the beach with my fisherman friend, as I do a lot of mornings, and he said he was sorry I had to jump right into the harbor decision, and I said I was too, and he said he hoped I’d have it easier after this, and I said I’m sure I would, and while he didn’t ask this question– I answered it anyway– Yes, I told him, I will support the harbor as designed, since we awarded the bid, and do my best to move forward on it, and he said that was good. Then we talked Trump. He is thrilled. I am horrified. But here’s the important part– we are still friends, and we talked for an hour about it without raising our voices. That’s a beginning, isn’t it?
This is part of why I haven’t been writing. I don’t want to be all sunshine and rose petals when there are serious concerns about the state of the country and the world, Alaska, and even our little town. There are also issues of life and death — I have another obituary to write today for Olive Jackson, the lovely longtime Haines resident died basically of old age last week–. My daughter’s baby is due in Juneau on or around Dec. 4. and I want to be there to help her, and just was for a little bit on my way home. Plus, I left my phone at her house so am without what has become a kind of family walkie-talkie, my husband is off deer hunting, and I had the 24 hour flu. (Don’t ask.) I also have an extra, rather rambunctious dog for the next month. There’s more– big news on the career front, but I can’t tell you about that yet. Soon though.
The Bald Eagle Festival continues today and all week. (The schedule is in the paper and at the Eagle Foundation. ) Shannon Donahue will give a talk about Polar Bears at 7pm tonight at the Foundation. There are also all kinds of meetings this week to squeeze in before Thanksgiving, and Saturday is the Woman’s Club Annual Christmas Bazaar at the school, 10-2. It is supposed to finally get colder by the end of the week, and stay clear, which could mean some nice ice skating on the ponds. (Of course Pearl prefers her water wet.)