I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I didn’t shop on Black Friday, the family was all here and it was too nice just being with everyone, and then I didn’t order anything on-line on Cyber Monday ( I rarely, if ever, shop that way. I’m a local shopper) though I did string a few lights in the windows to brighten the dark days. I will make a donation today on Giving Tuesday. My husband and I were talking last night about the idea of Giving Tuesday, and how in Haines anyway, it is almost redundant– I mean, we all give, a lot, all the time, of both time and money. I look at Nancy volunteering to play the piano every Sunday in church, and then conducting choir practice every Thursday. Or Marnie up at 5 two mornings a week to run Morning Muscles class, that huge volunteer effort to decorate the library and put on the lighting (and the daily volunteers who man the desk). I listen to volunteers on the radio all day long, the recycle center, animal rescue kennel, museum, all those youth sports programs, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the food bank, fire and ambulance service, hospice, the fair, the American Legion, the pre-school and Headstart, the Uglies, the swim team, the Women’s Club, the Eagle Foundation,  ANS and ANB, I can’t even list all the organizations in Haines and Klukwan that benefit from volunteers and rely on donations– Haines may be behind in the shopping department, but we are way ahead on this Giving Tuesday idea.  Around here it’s more like Giving Week, every week. Most of us  give every single day, in one way or another, formally and informally — but if you’d like to donate today, and can’t decide where to do it, the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation is a great place, since they don’t spend it right away, rather use your money to build  their endowment. The interest is distributed annually to worthy local organizations and community projects.  It’s sort of a one-stop-shop for local giving, and makes it easy to be part of this Giving Tuesday effort. Speaking of volunteers– the Arts Council is bringing MacBeth here this weekend from Juneau’s Theater in the Rough, the show is Saturday night at 7, and tickets are on sale at the bookstore. Haines will host its first regional wrestling championship this weekend, and Tiana may need some help, call the school.