I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Chip and I welcomed James (2) up from his nap a half hour ago. He slept for three hours, mainly because we kept him up too late last night, and then this morning bundled him up and strolled (he walked and rode, we walked) to the playground along the frozen Twin Lakes bike path, just down hill from two of our daughters’ homes.

I really like it that now my Juneau daughters live on the same street and teach at the same school.  James and his parents moved into their new home a few weeks ago, and we are all having Thanksgiving here tomorrow. (Well, not quite all. Two of our daughters, the ones who live in Haines, and their four little girls are with in-laws in Hawaii and California, and our son is still surfing in Australia.) James’  mother Eliza’s Juneau in-laws are doing most of the cooking, but everyone is contributing. JJ loves green bean casserole so has to make one of those. (This was always on the Thanksgiving table when she growing up because our friend Sue made it.) I  just sent Chip out to Fred Meyer with a list that includes cream of mushroom soup, frozen beans, and French fried onions in a can. (Good luck with all that.) 

Tonight Chip is grilling fresh venison and JJ’s godfather Roger is joining us so we’ll hear all about their deer hunt,  and we all will cook and wash the dishes, and make  sure Eliza keeps her feet up. She is just about nine months pregnant — the baby is due in ten days but could arrive any minute. So we are full of anticipation too.

But right now there is  a lull, with just me and James and Pearl at home, and Pearl is asleep and James is occupied with his blocks. It’s a perfect kind of quiet early evening here, with an inch of snow out in the yard, Terry Gross on the radio, and stars above the mountains and airport runway lights down in the valley below just coming out.

I am completely content and oh so grateful for all the blessings of this life.

I hope your Thanksgiving is happy, too.