I am very happy to be home, blizzard or no blizzard, after about ten days on the road –or more accurately off the road- as I was in Juneau to see the kids,
Kodiak for writing talks at the school and library,
and finally a quick overnight in Tenakee for the warm spring and some long walks. I’d planned to stay longer but the forecast was dire and there were no ferries.
It’s not exactly jet-setting, but float planes are thrilling. And handy. I like a plane that can land on water, just in case.
The storm front chased us right up Lynn Canal. We landed with a few hours to spare before the snow began. Chip is at home too. The lumberyard closed early today. He just shoveled again, wearing hip boots. It’s still snowing hard and it’s not supposed to taper off until midnight. School is out early, the library, pool, senior center, bank– are all closed tight. There’s a Skagway basketball game on the radio broadcasting from the regional tournament in Sitka where the snow has turned to pouring rain, according to the announcer. The Haines police sent out a text saying to stay home. I’m not alarmed. It’s a good idea. And it won’t be for too long. There is something light about a March storm. (My sister laughed when I answered the phone “Merry Christmas”.) There’s not the urgency to clear the driveway and the paths. The anxiety that a November blizzard brings is missing as well. (Are we ready? Where’s the shovel and is the woodshed full?) Now, Spring is right around the corner. I can see April from the kitchen window.