I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I know, I missed the health fair, and so have to hope that my daily tablespoon of cod liver oil is working, and the Hospice of Haines rummage sale did just fine without me too. ( 10,000! Wow! Thank you volunteers!) But I was able to babysit for James and Molly Friday, see JJ run her first marathon (and feel like a coach again, even though she needed none to finish in 3:14) and then spend a whole day with the little kiddos on the way home.

Now it’s back to that big old big cycle of life on several levels- literally a long bike ride this morning, where we saw our first cow moose of the season with a calf, three swans on the pond ( a sister perhaps? A child? Maybe just a friend, since swans are usually in pairs aren’t they?) and now I’m beginning the obituary of an old miner for this week’s paper. There is an assembly meeting tonight at 6:30 where we will discuss, briefly I hope, bicycles (which are near and dear to my heart, but apparently make some people very worried and even angry that Haines is too bike friendly.)

Tomorrow is the annual school bike day, where students, teachers, and parents are encouraged to ride to school, and there are all kinds of special programs promoting bike safety and rider education. Chip and I are volunteering from 7:30-9:30 pumping up tires, oiling chains and checking nuts and bolts. 

There is still no news on the recall petitions, which I assume are circulating although I haven’t seen one. I did see my first harrier of the season hovering over the beach in search of voles this morning, and three fat semi-domestic bunnies ran under the porch. If you are missing yours, we may have one- or three of them. (And soon could have more, if they multiply like rabbits.)

Here is a thought for the week from Choosing Civility (I read it through twice on the planes to and from Eugene):

“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson