I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.


An April Afternoon 

 Mix a bowl of blue sky, lightly spun clouds, and a flowing tide with a happy dog’s tail. Walk and Stir. Sift  twice.  Breathe, listen and look. Before you serve up gratitude, say a little Grace. Nothing fancy. Thank you is plenty.


I received a nice note from a priest friend, who is concerned about the Haines recall threat that is simmering. He sent me a homily about how, and why, to avoid the darkness of critics and instead walk in the bright light of God’s love . (Of course I know that, but it is easier said than done.) The  clerk still hasn’t decided if the petitioners may follow through with a recall election, which makes the wound fester and more painful.  Just before the assembly meeting last night, another friend called. She had been out of town and was catching up on the news in the paper. “What the Hell, Heather! What is the matter with us? Why can’t we just allow ourselves to be the really cool town we are?”

Which brings me back to the priest, and a lesson I learned coaching cross country. One afternoon, about 18 kids showed up for practice, but two of the top runners skipped it. A big meet was coming up. We could qualify for the state championships. I was angry, and started to lecture everyone about why they had to come to practice, and how important it was to work as a team, to run together in order to bring out the best in each other– mentally, emotionally, and physically. A minute or two into it, I realized I was yelling at the 18 kids who showed up because I was upset at the two who hadn’t. It’s human nature to do that. I was suddenly so sorry, and made sure to praise them, and thank them– and I vowed not to make that mistake again. So,10 people signed that petition. 10 people who didn’t vote for me in the first place. 500 did.  Haines elected me and Tom– what a cool town this is to do that. Remember how happy we all felt the morning after the election? Thank you somehow doesn’t seem like enough, but it will have to do for now.

In other news: If you’d like to learn to speak clearly and concisely so you will be an effective leader (we need you) a Toastmasters club is starting up in Haines. Call the Haines Chamber office at 766-2202 for more information. (3 assembly members have signed up, including me.) There is an estate planning workshop at the library tonight at 6:30 sponsored by the community foundation. Call 314-3074 for info. Also at  6:30 the Borough hosts a community meeting at the Mosquito Lake Community Center to hear from residents about their wishes regarding police protection out the road now that the trooper is gone, and at 6:30 in the school it’s the annual  DDF, Music, and Student Council awards night. Tomorrow at 6 in the library ADF&G presents the results of local mountain goat studies, and the Planning Commission meets in the chambers at 6:30.

Maundy Thursday services are at 6 at the Catholic Church, 6:30 at the Presbyterian Church, and at 7 for the Episcopalians in the Chilkat Center lobby. (Easter is on Sunday!)