I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Tonight from 5-7 it’s the Arts Confluence literary, musical, visual arts celebration and wine and cheese fundraiser in the Chilkat Center lobby, 15 dollar donation. Then tomorrow from noon-4 there’s a party in the borough office to thank and appreciate dear Sue Nelson who really has served us all with a smile for (gasp!) over 30 years and is retiring. At 5 pm the Alaska museum conference begins next door at the library and continues through the weekend at the Chilkat Center and Eagle Foundation and Harriett Hall, too. Also on Weds. there will be two healthcare reform informational sessions from noon-1 or 6:30-7:30 at the library from local insurance provider Mojave West (Ned). He will explain how the new laws will impact you and your family. Thursday night at 7:00 there’s a borough assembly candidate forum at the school. Find out all about where George, Mario and Diana stand on issues important to you.  Friday night the Windy Valley Boys are at the Pioneer Bar, and Saturday it’s Kris and Lindy Jones– my favorite singer songwriting duo- And also on Saturday evening, there’s a Hospice of Haines house concert at Tim and Ann’s lovely Lutak home, featuring gourmet snacks sweet and savory, wine and beer, other beverages, and fine music from local musicians.  The donation is 50.00 to HOH, and reservations are a must, as the seating is limited. It’s a charming annual event for a good cause. Call 766-2584. And of course, duck, goat, deer and moose hunting continues. The forecast is for … rain.