The forecast for tonight is for cloudy skies, and scattered rain and or snow showers. Which is why Shannon, who is organizing the annual Hospice of Haines “Light the Night” luminary remembrance walk at the Port Chilkoot Dock this year, sent out a cheerful note to her helpers,”the dock should be a great spot,” she said, and there will be a fire and jars for the candles, and, “hot cider and a few goodies” — then she said, the way she always finds the good (honestly, hospice people are the best at this. There is a lesson here, isn’t there? That even in hospice, we are still living, right up to the end?) anyway she said:
“However, please note that it will be impressively cold. I would suggest wearing snow pants and snow gear if you are coming.”
The walk is from 6-7:30. Drop by after or before you view the new gallery and exhibits at the museum (5-7), walk, listen to the wind the waves on the dock and remember who you loved, and maybe, as Raymond Carver wrote, to feel yourself beloved on this earth, too.
My beloved has discovered Facebook on the iPad. This morning he looked up from his coffee and handed me the device, and a link to a story he’d found about a big centrifuge that liquidizes bodies instead of burying or cremating them. Then he said, “Let’s do this, that way they can put us in Lava Lamps when we go.”