Yesterday on the radio Janine said she thought the sky was growing lighter and that there may even be a little sun, so Pearl and I looked up, and sure enough there was a blue haze behind the gray, so we ran out the door and managed to walk half the beach before the windy rain kicked in again. (We weren’t the only ones, other friends were marching too, one trying out a new camera, as it was finally possible to snap a photo without rain spattering the lens.) It was fun, “invigorating” is the word my companions chose, with a laugh as we waved goodbye and returned to home and work.
The good news is that cooler temps and sunshine are in the forecast for next week, and this weekend there’s plenty to do and see, with a Junior High basketball tourney and swim meet at the school and pool ( this afternoon, tonight and tomorrow. Check the school and pool for details.) The swim team hosts a pasta feed fundraiser in the cafeteria tomorrow night 5:30-7:30. And tomorrow is the last day of the terrific Harry Potter exhibit at the museum.
Looking ahead– Wednesday evening Feb. 3 at 6:30 in the library Juneau author and teacher Ernestine Hayes will read from and talk about her highly acclaimed, enlightening, and powerful Native Alaskan memoir, Blonde Indian, chosen by the Alaska writer laureate Frank Soos as a statewide read. There are copies at the library and the bookstore. (It is not a long book so you have plenty of time to read it.) Ernestine is wise and witty, and writes beautifully about hard things. She has roots in Klukwan and spent time at Haines House here as child. I will be interviewing her and we will talk about her life, writing, and the social and cultural issues she is passionate about, as well as taking questions from you– so please join us.