I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

This morning I woke up to the windy wet in Juneau in my daughter’s guest room. I listened to the sounds of the morning household in the dark– a baby cried and was soothed, a toddler greeted the day with happy riddles that sounded like he was speaking Thai, and then the radio news, the coffee grinding– and I thought all is right with this little world at least, so I need to still my beating heart.

I get a bit of travel anxiety.

 I had two valium for this, just in case, that I haven’t needed it in several trips over the last two years– go figure– even Italy — and then when the dog had her seizures last summer, the vet on the help hotline from Juneau said we could give her valium, and I surprised everyone when they learned I had two– but now I don’t have any. (Which may be a good thing. If I had a prescription, I might sedate myself for assembly meetings. Read all about the last one in these several stories from KHNS.) I’m getting out of Dodge, and grateful that I can. I’ll will be out of contact until the 22nd or 23rd…

Oh, and if you are thinking Friday the Thirteenth is an auspicious day to fly away on, not so– as this is a very lucky day in our family– the 5th wedding anniversary of our youngest daughter and her fine husband.