It was so interesting that the lessons in church yesterday, which are determined years ahead, spoke so clearly about current events, and the proper response to them.
The Old Testament was from Micah– and ended with: “Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” Psalm 15 offered this advice: to speak “the truth” from your heart, with no “guile”, and never “heap contempt upon your neighbor.” And finally, there came the Beatitudes, from Mathew’s gospel: Blessed are the peacemakers, persecuted, and hungry– “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”
There will be plenty of opportunity to practice all this even in Haines, with a Public Safety Commission meeting tonight at 5:30, an assembly Committee of the Whole meeting on the borough budget tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6:30, a community meeting on the Lutak Dock at 5:30 on Wednesday in the Chilkat Center, and at the same time over the library, Haines People for Peace present a program on insights about the Women’s March in Washington D.C. from residents who participated. Thursday morning, the Ports and Harbor commission meets at 10:30, and Thursday night at 6:00 the Code Review commission meets.
You may also practice speaking up on national issues by using this helpful site that my daughter shared with me, 5 Calls.
If you are looking for a local good deed, the Haines Salvation Army is behind in donations this winter, and could use your support to help those in need in our town. PO Box 550, Haines AK 99827.
Of course sunshine always makes everything easier, and the weather is supposed to be beautiful all week.