I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

It is so dark. I think the rain makes it even worse. I know it’s not helpful to complain, and that the weather isn’t personal, but honestly, have you seen the forecast? Rain all week. There’s a mud slide on Lutak Road.  Still, the Lighting of the Library was packed in spite of a drenching gale, and the rain even turned to snow before it was over –it turned back to rain the next morning, but what can you do? Christy Fowler and Haines Headstart won the 100 gallons of heating oil raffle sponsored by the Friends of the Library, which is pretty great. The best part about selling the tickets is calling the winners.

When I picked up Caroline in the damp dim of dawn to bring her to school this morning, we sang “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”, and drove slowly to see all the twinkling lights that are beginning to be strung in the windows, in yards, and on buildings. (The Bradford’s fence is so bright and colorful, but my favorite is Anna and Jim’s Union St. spruce tree all wrapped up in colored lights.) We also watched the way the families moved back and forth in the yellow light of kitchens preparing for a day, and I reminded her how lucky she was to spend hers in the bright school full of good children and teachers. In her classroom there is a sign that says, “Thoughtfulness is a Habit.” How nice is that?

And how true. Okay, so I won’t complain about the weather. This is a great  day, as my old-ish swimming pal says, “because I’m still here.”

And because I have a friend to walk in the rain with, and a warm fire, and good work to do all day.

If you need a lift, tonight (and every Monday and Wednesday) is volleyball open gym at the school 8:30-10:00, there’s swimming 11-12:30 and 5:30-7 at the pool, yoga at noon at the Zumba studio (and while you are there check the Zumba and Zumba Gold schedule) and there’s a life drawing session at the school at 5:30 this evening, it’s just 2 dollars a class. Also, the library is so warm and bright, the tree is magic, so that may be a nice place to hang out some today. Of course, if you really want to get the blood flowing, there’s a Borough Assembly Meeting tomorrow night at 6:30.