It’s been a bit of a blur, but today there is some quiet time. The Haines kids are back in school and their parents are back at work. We actually had a nap time, and it’s snowing and stormy which takes the pressure off of getting everyone out, or back in, and keeping them warm. Yesterday was really cold, single digits with a north wind, but the ice was good on the river and Sarah insisted we skate at ten, when the sun was up, more or less. Chip decided it was too cold for the littlest ones and the Aussie boys who don’t understand cold enough to be careful. (Gloves! Socks! Hats! Coats!) And honestly, yesterday they really needed to be careful. It was skin freezing weather. Chip volunteered to stay home and we skated– it was magic. A Joni Mitchell song– a river to skate on.
The boys still got plenty of sledding in on the hill behind the house, and at least they could run in and out to warm up. Cocoa is a big hit. UNO too–
My son figured out why the heater in his old truck wasn’t working. Dead mice. Nuff said.
And Chip, Christian, Ella and the boys found a Christmas tree, and we had the annual argument about what type: me “pine” they have soft needles, but are hard to come by here, and they are very thin. I think Charlie Brown’s tree was a pine. Chip: ” the spruce look so much better.” Chip and Christian cut a spruce. ( Yes, they are prettier, but very pokey and the needles give my hands hives.)
I tried to put the lights on, but it was a fail. We will try again.
Maybe later.
The babies are awake, and their mother is out in the garage helping with the mice evacuation.