I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

It was funny at the pool this morning as all everyone was talking about was the moon last night, and three different people noted that they thought the motion sensor lights had turned on in the yard from a moose or bear before they realized it was a natural night light. The early bird swimmers caught the moonset over the mountains on the way to the pool and the pink sunrise as lovely as any you’ll ever see on the way home. That’s the nice thing about dark mornings, and the really nice thing about clear October days. Speaking of the pool, the Thursday after school free swim is a big hit. The free part is because of donors chipping in to pay for the hour of pool time– 60 bucks– if you’d like to donate a swim, or even get a few folks together to do it– call the pool at 766-2666.

Other things coming up this week include Halloween (!) on Friday there’s the Trick or Trot Fun Run/Walk at the fair at 5:30, costumes and head lamps encouraged. There’s also a fundraising dinner for Lois Wickward’s medical expenses at 5 in the school cafeteria. Saturday there’s a kids Halloween fair sponsored by the volleyball team at the school gym 4-6.