I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.


Today’s to-do list:

9:15 Walk Pearl

10:30 Chat with the Alaska Broadcaster’s Association about my keynote speech to them Nov. 10

11:00 Bring the fuchsias and geraniums in for the winter and if there is time cut back the dahlias. There could be a frost anytime and I hate to snuff them out, but I’d also hate to lose them.

11:30 Lunch at the school with Caroline

12:30-1:30 Meet Nina Kempel from the Alaska Community Foundation at the museum. (Nina is Formerly an Olympic skier and head of the Humanities Forum. I’m a fan.) 

2:00 Library to see and hear the dancers and storytellers from Tagish. (There’s two day cultural exchange at the library with all kinds of great programs.) There are more– at 3:00 Erik Stevens will talk on library systems and traditional names; 4:00 traditional foods and recipes from Dr. Norma Shory of Teslin; 5:00 there’s a traditional foods potluck (bring a dish to share) and at 6:30 Haida singer Sondra Segundo will give a presentation on preserving the Alaska Haida dialect through song.

Tomorrow’s schedule includes:

11:00   A presentation from Haines Junction on the Champagne Aisihak culture

12:30 Knowing who you are through research and education with Dr. Norma Shory

2:30 Local favorite Wayne Price on canoe journeys in Alaska and the Yukon

3:30 Formline, carving, and cultural games

and finally at 4:30 a drum circle.