I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

The moon was as bright as a reading light for a letter from an old friend back home- Michael Burton, Night Rider’s Lament

Nov. 27, Monday. 6:30 am, low tide, 35 degrees, southeast breeze, full moon. There is snow in the forecast.

Before I headed to the pool I let the dogs out and saw the moon and had to take a walk beneath it. It was the brightest the sky and the beach have been in weeks.

And yes, I was followed by a moon shadow-

 And yes, I was singing– Jerry Jeff Walker and Cat Stevens, Van Morrison– Moonlight in Vermont and Paper Moon.

I see the moon, the moon sees me…please let the light that shines on me, shine on the ones I love.

Sometimes, the moon and a song are just what a person needs, and if you can’t sing, you always have the moon. Every single person in the whole wide world does.