I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

“The issue is not whether to stand firm or compromise but how to express our firmness. When we express it with poise rather than rudeness, not only are we truer to our better selves, but we infuse our dissent with a power it wouldn’t have otherwise. To brawl is human. To be civil works.”- P.M.Forni from  Choosing Civility: The Twenty Five Rules of Considerate Conduct 

This is a good week to ponder this, and practice it in small encounters since there are no big (or little) borough meetings, thanks to the Alaska Municipal League conference in Anchorage. Some assembly members, the mayor, manager, and clerks are there.

Tonight there’s an open art studio at the school, courtesy of Community Ed. 5:30-8:30 in the art room. Bring your own supplies. It costs 2 dollars. Call Donna Catotti for more information, or John at Community Ed. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so Saturday is the Women’s Club’s 86th annual holiday bazaar at the school 10-2, call Judy Ewald to reserve a table. Friends of the library will be decorating all day Saturday, beginning at 9:00 and would love your help too. I’m excited about Geppetto’s Junkyard’s new puppet show, Melenka and the City of Monsters on Saturday at the Chilkat Center, two shows only, at 4:00 and 7:00, also, there will be  a sale in the lobby featuring Debi Knight-Kennedy’s art shop inventory, with all proceeds going to Becky’s Place shelter for victims of domestic violence. You can buy gifts for a good cause, which is always nice.

The fair rink is almost ready to skate on and cold temperatures are helping, and there is some skiing (not enough snow to set tracks though) on the golf course. For something warmer, the City League basketball games Friday nights (mens games) and Sunday evenings beginning around 4:30 (women first game, men second) are fun and social. The pool has a new Sunday swim as well, 1:30-3:00, and is open the same time Saturday afternoon. Melina has added a Wednesday noon and Sunday morning at 9:15 yoga class to the Chilkat Center dance studio schedule.