I have been out of town is all–Way out of town. About as far as you can go– to the Aleutian chain, Unalaska and the Port of Dutch Harbor, helping my daughter move in for her new job at the school there. There is very limited email and cell service, which, to be honest, is kind of nice. (It’s 2,000 miles west & south of Juneau and still in Alaska.)
I returned through Anchorage and brought home a couple of things for another daughter and me-
My friend Beth calls my new puppy “Diversion”. I figure that if next week’s recall election fails, I win a puppy, and if it succeeds, I still win a puppy. It’s a win-win. Plus it means I have no time for the rantings and ravings about it all on local facebook pages.
Meet Trixie:
I know, I was tempted to dub her Minnie Pearl, and she was almost named Paris, as my husband said ‘we will never go to France now’ and I said, ‘ When were you planning to do that?’ and figured with a name like Paris, France would come to us. Then the little girls wanted Elsa, after their favorite cartoon character in “Frozen”, and that seemed to work, until I met her. She’s totally a Trixie.
Pearl is not impressed, but is wagging her tail at least.
The other crate contained a re-homed older dog, also a golden retriever, for another daughter. The puppy was supposed to be hers, but a new baby and a toddler and the prospect of all those Juneau rainy days house training — well, let’s just say she is more practical than I am, and opted for Jeff, and I couldn’t resist the puppy, so, here we are. Expect many pictures. Or not. Trixie does not sit as still as Pearl did at her age. And mostly she is in my lap or right at my heels, so we’ll see.
In other news, the sun is out, it’s finally hot, the flowers have exploded into bloom in my absence, and the cherries are ripe and sweet, and so all is right with the world, except for tonight there is a radio and newspaper sponsored forum on the recall from 6-7 that I’d rather not attend, but it’s only an hour, and it’s important to answer the charges against us publicly. Many people have told me they have already voted “No”, as early voting is happening at the Borough office now. The election is Aug. 15 during the Alaska Municipal League Conference here, which should be interesting for them to witness, anyway.
The best line from last night’s assembly meeting came from Tom Morphet. We were discussing the definition of “substantive ” as in “substantive changes” to an ordinance would require another public hearing, but if the changes weren’t, then it could be passed with the minor changes at the next meeting. The new language noted that spelling and grammar weren’t “substantive” but didn’t define what exactly is. That’s when Tom objected: “Saying that a dog is not a cat does not adequately describe a dog.”