“Let us bless the imagination of the Earth”– John O’Donohue
I have decided to post a picture of my morning walk every day in November.
I may post some from other times of day too, and some that are sort of linked to walks, if that’s okay?
The world is so hard right now that I thought maybe you could use some of this place where the Chilkat River meets the sea. Alaska really is a kind of state of the heart, isn’t it? And November is the real Alaska, because the light leaves and winter arrives and it is always a challenge emotionally. So in this way, it may mirror what you are feeling. Hope and despair. Spring is long way off. Expect rain. Wish for snow. I never regret a walk, and the worst weather is the most envigorating. Sometimes it makes me laugh out loud it’s so bad. I’m sure there will be scenes from days that you would not wish for, on say a cruise.
One of the best prescriptions for coping with Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD)- it’s a real thing- is to take a walk or run, ski, skate — whatever moves you– outdoors, during the daylight hours. Maybe these images will help you too. Maybe they will be a window into a moment of grace far from the news. People sometimes ask if we get tired of taking the same walk every day, and I always answer no. It changes. Wind, tide, mood, conversations, birds.(I say “we” because my walks usually include a friend, and always dogs. Three or four golden retrievers.)
The other day we saw this salmon in the woods. Dried and frozen. Dropped by an eagle or maybe a bear. (And I have already changed my own rules and posted two pictures. Sheesh. Wish me luck.)