I’ve been saying that a lot lately– it has been beautiful– as well as “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.” And “Mother of God,” because of the play. I am Kate, a proper, pious woman. But sadly, things are all going to hell for her by the second act. (Although she would never, ever, use such “corner boy language.” ) Dancing at Lughnasa will be staged the last weekend this month, and it’s a short month so it is coming at us fast. Today will go slower no matter what I do, what with the winter storm warning. (6-12 inches of snow then rain, they say.)I have been trying to wedge everything I have to do this week into three days, since we will have Caroline (5) and Ivy (2) from tomorrow afternoon until Monday afternoon while their parents celebrate Valentine’s Day and their mother’s 30th birthday in Portland. (How fun is that?) This morning Chip said, “You know, it will be Valentine’s Day when they are here.” And I said I knew that. And he said “They are little girls.” I said I know that, too. Then he said, “I just want to be sure we do something special.” (This is from a man who sent me card one year with a moose on the cover and wrote, “Be my cow.” And another year scrawled “Happy V D” in card.) I do love him so, and I assured him there will be pancakes and raspberries with whipped cream and little presents and cards and their cousins Lani and Silvia Rose and maybe we’ll even get some helium balloons from Olerud’s Store.
That’s why I am on the radio today instead of tomorrow from 1-3 hosting the Back Country show.(You can listen anywhere on-line.) There is play practice again tonight, and tomorrow there is a planning commission meeting. A big new parking lot on the waterfront is up for action as is a handicap ramp for the derelict barracks building. (Really.) The meeting begins at 6:30. Juneau writer and actor Ishmael Hope will be speaking at the library at 7:00pm Thursday. There’s no school Friday for a teacher inservice, the girls basketball team plays the Metlakatla Miss Chiefs Friday and Saturday night in the Karl Ward gym. The Valentine Tea at the Presbyterian Church for ladies young and old is 1-3 on Saturday, and Saturday the museum is hosting a Valentine dinner and movie at the Chilkat Center, but I think it is all sold out. John Schnabel will celebrate his 95th birthday Saturday night as well. Be sure to wish him many happy returns. Sunday at the ANB/ANS Hall from 4-6 there will be a celebration of Elizabeth Peratrovitch and her Alaska civil rights legacy. I know: oh my gosh there’s so much to do.(And so many lines to learn.)