The North really showed off for the visit of the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge and the little prince and princess– both day and night with sunny skies, golden leaves, and wild northern lights. It’s hard to believe they were so close– Whitehorse and then Carcross, just above Skagway. I loved the pictures of the older Native ladies in their dance regalia hugging them. The new KHNS reporter was sent to cover the royal visit, and I spoke to her last night at the brewery and saw her pictures of the William and Kate (they left the kids with the nanny in the hotel apparently) taken from her cell phone. The tiny village of Carcross was even more crowded than it is during the Klondike Road Relay when it’s one of the exchange stations (and the only one with hot coffee, bathrooms, and breakfast…)
Tonight at 5:30 in the Chilkat Center lobby some of the members of the women’s choir will sing Dona Nobis Pacem as part of the annual Peace Day program and gathering. ( A little late, I know, it was the 21st but this is Haines, and we’ve had moose to wrap for the freezer and gardens to put to bed– fall stuff.) The choir rehearsals begin again following our summer break on Thursday night from 6-7 at the museum, and all women singers are welcome. Tomorrow at 7:30 there’s a concert in the Chilkat Center, featuring a folk singing duo that sounded great on the radio this morning.
The forecast is still calling for seriously high winds– there have been a few gusts, though nothing near the 50 mph they are predicting, but they say it’s coming this afternoon and tomorrow. The chickens seem to sense it, as they are not venturing out much.
After my swim I drove around the loop in front of town and looked at Haines from Picture Point. It’s a view I never tire of. It always makes me feel good. I’m so lucky to call this place home. Truthfully? I wouldn’t trade Haines for the Royals’ England, would you?