I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

Congratulations to the newest assembly members: George Campbell– a garlic farmer and arts supporter (the Green Room at the Chilkat Center is dedicated to the memory of his mother, Barbara Campbell, long time Actfest stage manager), plus he plays the bag pipes–  which could end long meetings in a hurry–and Diana Lapham, Pete’s widow, and a caring generous person with time to get to work for us,  and to incumbent Sarah Swinton and school board rookie and longtime local nurse Lisa Schwartz. (The race for the third school board seat between Ardy and Scott is too close to call. Scott is ahead by 4 votes, so it will come down to absentee ballots.) It’s great to have so many people so willing to take the time to attend all those meetings and make decisions for the greater public good. And better yet, Haines voted for human beings over corporations which is very nice to know. I guess you could say we have finally officially joined the progressive small-town Alaska caucus. That would be us… and Homer? In the meantime it’s raining, and Pearl threw up very early this morning. In my continuing quest for silver linings, that meant I was wide awake when my neighbor accidentally called at six, which made him feel much better about it. We had a short chat about his improved knee and moose hunting. The count is up to 21 now.