I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

 Wayne Price is having a really big week. Two traditional Tlingit canoes that he supervised the construction of have successfully paddled to Celebration, the annual gathering of Southeast Natives in Juneau.  That’s no easy coast down the 90 mile Lynn Canal, North America’s largest fjord, and a place known for some rough weather. So much could go wrong and yet they all took the risk and everything went so very right that they arrived on time and safe and sound- And then Wayne swept the Sealaska Heritage Institute’s annual art competition, winning best of show with his Dancing Raven Hat and 1,2,3 in the formline division. How wonderful is that? Wayne is such a great role model and above all a teacher to so many of us (young and old) — from his song and drum group which meets at the library, to making sure the workers on the canoes each carved their own paddle, and that they all had cold water rescue training before leaving the Haines harbor. Sometimes everything does as go as planned and things work our better than pretty good, and when that happens, it makes me want to raise my hands and shout thank you– you know? Speaking of big doings on a schedule, Harry and his crew at the cannery have pulled off a thing of practical beauty too– the new pavilion on the beach at Letnikof is all done just in time for Harry and Genny’s wedding tomorrow. And the earlier wedding this week– Kate and Kyle’s, was a lovely affair too– (with the bride’s mother serving hamburgers and hot dogs made from a grass fed steer named Buddy, no less. and the groom’s mother baking the many tiered cake.) There is so much good to celebrate right now– from the people to the abundance of June joy in this place I call home– it’s a bit overwhelming. Today the proper response to the world, as Emerson would say, is applause. Make that a standing ovation.