It was 28 degrees this morning. Which means I have to put the garden to bed. Now. Luckily it’s so beautiful out that this is hardly a chore. Especially when I recall all those Octobers when I did this in the cold rain.
Speaking of cold and windy weather, it appears (keep your fingers crossed) that this year’s annual Hospice of Haines Light the Night Remembrance Walk may be under the stars. It will happen no matter what the weather on Friday from 6:30-8:00 at Lookout Park. It’s a lovely event. You may personalize a luminary bag with a the name of a loved one who has died, and place it on the path with others, while family and friends walk and think, and sometimes talk a little, but mostly remember. There will be hot drinks, cookies, and a warm fire. Questions? Call 766-3929. Also, Hospice volunteers are invited to the annual appreciation dinner prepared for you by the board at my house on Sunday evening Nov. 6 at 4:00, so mark that on your calendar.
The Harbor Aesthetics Committee meets tonight at 6:30 at the museum to talk about the uplands. Speaking of the museum the exhibit of local art acquisitions is fantastic. Go see it.
Tomorrow night there is a wild mushroom dinner sponsored by the Chilkat Forest Investigator kids at 5:30 at the Senior Center, and a Planning Commission meeting at 6:30 with a hearing on several appeals to a harbor expansion land use permit. It’s my last meeting before I head to the assembly on Oct. 25. I encourage anyone who is interested in local government and planning and zoning to apply for my seat.
Friday the governor is coming to town and will be hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and the Assembly at a public event in the Chilkat Center from 11:30-1:00 pm. He will be speaking on the Juneau Access Road which is rearing its ugly head again, and on the state finances, and he’ll be taking your questions.
Coming up… Rivertalk on Thursday Oct. 20 at 7pm in the Chilkat Center, The Doll’s Fair on Saturday Oct. 22 1-3 at the museum, and The Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center annual benefit dinner at the Klukwan ANS Hall 6pm on the 22nd.
Here is the good read– A story about Helen Tengs’ birthday party a few weeks ago.