I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

At our house, when we ask “what’s the schedule for tomorrow?” that really means who needs what times for a workout or an outdoor activity (and right now, who is staying back to watch the very small kids.) With the big winter snowstorm in the works for the next few days, last night over salmon patties we decided to skate at the pond by the cabin today while we still had good ice.  So I skipped the pool this morning, and JJ hit the gym as her little ones could not make the 2 mile hike up to the lake or survive the cold, and she is training for the Boston Marathon in April, plus what mom couldn’t use a little alone time, running hard and sweating? (It’s a Lende survival technique.)  Also, with no snow, we can’t just pull the littles on the sled. But we knew it would be just beautiful, and Christian really wanted his family to see it. Around here, you have to take advantage of ice because it could all be different in 24 hours. Snow, rain, snow, whatever.

Henry has a little cold, and he wasn’t thrilled with my mashed bananas for breakfast.

Chip woke up with a cold too, and so he stayed home from the lumberyard and missed the skating. He announced it was too cold for 11 year-old Pearl too, so his good dog stayed at home.

Caroline offered to come by and be with JJ and Chip, and Ivy really wanted to skate, but she has the cold so Sarah kept her home. Stoli’s family decided to sleep in and have a hygge kind of morning with quilts and cocoa and a movie.

So it was three dogs, Sarah, me, Christian, Ella, Mateo and Luca, Becky’s homemade  doughnuts, a thermos of sweet peppermint tea, and leftover from the party at the lodge ham sandwiches.



It’s very odd not to have snow at the cabin this time of year, but it was so cold, with a north wind blowing hard, that I couldn’t put on my skates without freezing my fingers and so skipped the skating. The kids didn’t mind the cold.The cabin was about zero inside, and would have taken hours to reach even 32 degrees, so we used the sauna as a skater’s cabin (It’s a neat trick..)

I am amazed that Ella can ice skate after never having done it before. Everyone agreed that Sarah was “gnarly” since she skated and skated. We did have to warm up her friend’s little dog Snoopy. (They are away and she is dog-sitting). He liked the sauna.

When we got home around sunset ( 2:00 ?) JJ and CC had all the little ones sleeping, so their parents took advantage of the moment to prepare for Christmas morning. “Tape? Paper? Stockings? Do you have some Mom?” You bet I do.

Lila woke up too soon, so I went upstairs and took a little nap with her. (Well, I’ll take one for the team.)

We re-grouped, ate some more snacks and decided on a quiet night with everyone having supper at their homes– (mostly, except those of us in the big house, as we are calling this one.)

We are all a little bummed that JJ’s husband can’t take the small ferry LeConte tomorrow from Juneau, since it was canceled due to rough seas and freezing spray. He will try to fly or else will join our oldest daughter Eliza and her family on the big ferry Kennicott on Christmas Eve. It will make it no matter what.

Tomorrow the pool is closed for the holidays, and I’m staying home and baking coffee cakes. I always give one to my neighbor Greg. He dropped off Christmas cookies today, just like he always does. We have been baking for each other at Christmas for decades. Decades! It’s just astounding to me.

I ran to the store at the last minute, for sour cream and butter to warm up over night, and to find some Tylenol for Chip. ( He swears he’s improving), and some veggies for chicken soup. I saw Lori at Howser’s IGA. She has three young children and her husband works out of town at a mine. “Is Mike home for Christmas?”

“He was supposed to be on the ferry tomorrow, but it’s canceled.”

” I’m sorry.”

“He’ll try to fly, but  if not, he’ll be here on the Kennicott Saturday.”

“JJ’s husband is on that same plan, and the rest of our family will be on the Kennicott too, thank goodness, right?”

It was nice to talk and understand, we two moms at different stages of family life. I love the way the big old wheel of time turns, especially in this small, northern town. You should have heard my adult children talking about how we hauled them all up to the cabin on winter weekends in sleds and with head lamps. The summer weeks we spent there learning to swim in the pond. When Ella asked how we talked them into it, Christian and Sarah replied in unison ” We didn’t have a choice, they just said we were going.” It was a lot of work when they were little. I always knew it was worth it. We figured we may not be able to give them lots of stuff, but we gave them Alaska, and they will always have that.  (I can’t tell you how I hoped they’d feel this way, someday, but you never know.) What does James Taylor sing? The  secret of life is enjoying the passing of time”? Yes. He’s right.

When I left the store, I hurried across Main St. in the windy cold — I have been chilled all day– and set one bag on the hood of my car while I opened the door for the other one. I watched it sliding… and then I caught it! The eggs didn’t break. Sometimes things turn out okay.