First, I’m on the mend, thanks to antibiotics. I tried all my home remedies and finally admitted defeat, and I’m glad I did. I feel much better but still have a nasty cough. It’s been going around though. One friend has had it for a month, another two weeks, and both say (just like I do) “And I never get sick!” One theory is that Haines vacationers brought it back from Hawaii with them.
Second, there is a great concert tonight at 7 in the Chilkat Center featuring “Boston’s hottest gypsy jazz” band, the Rhythm Future Quartet, and Saturday there is a “White Fang” pizza party, local trivia, and film showing beginning at 6 at Harriett Hall at the fairgrounds. I’m going. I have one scene in the Disney film that was made here 25 years ago (I know because I was pregnant with JJ and she’s 26) where I walk down the ramp of the steamship when it docks in Skagway and turn left. I did that all day for three days and have about three seconds on screen in the opening scene. Chip, on the other hand, plays multiple roles (non-speaking) in several scenes.
Third, let’s talk about your Spring-cleaning. I know, I haven’t begun either. But here’s a good reason to. The annual Hospice Rummage Sale is coming May 7. How perfect that you can de-clutter and make sure those treasures too good to toss find a new home. It’s a win-win, help yourself and help others.
The other less happy news, is that Don Turner and Ryan Cook are back with new charges against the assembly. The last one, a criminal compliant because I voted not appoint someone to a committee because they were rude, was thrown out after Chief Scott forwarded it all the way to the district attorney who basically said it was a waste of everyone’s time as no one has a constitutional right to be seated on a committee. Yesterday, Turner and the gang filed a request for recall petitions at the Borough for Tom, me, and Tresham because of “misconduct in office” which means, “we don’t like them.” I have yet to see their “evidence” but have asked the staff for it. (Click here for the KHNS story.)
All of this is of course practically a cliché – another recall in Haines? We are living up to our reputation. What makes me angriest is that no one who doesn’t have thick skin will run for office if we don’t quit this bullying and nonsense. The bad news for Turner and Cook and the other petitioners is that they have chosen the wrong grandma to pick on. I’m an endurance athlete with an incredibly high pain threshold who has survived being run-over by a ¾ ton Chevy pick-up truck.