I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

This is meant for Haines readers– but I also thought some of you would be curious as to what the folks running for Haines Borough Assembly and Mayor look like– or at least who I’m voting for– and that I hope the majority of residents do too. My big issue is civility ( as you know). The outgoing mayor, Douglas Olerud has done wonders at changing the culture of our public meetings. It’s to his credit that each seat has competition and that a full slate and extras are running for the planning commission, too. Thanks to Tom Morphet’s ballot initiative, the PC is now elected rather than appointed and a ton of young residents have stepped up, also a good sign.Likewise there are new faces running for assembly that I support.

In last week’s Chilkat Valley News, as part of the candidate questionaire the mayoral candidates were asked to, “Say something nice about your opponent.”

Jan said, ” Probably the only thing we have in common is we both live in Haines.”

Tom said, ” I can say lots of nice things about Jan…” and did.

Here are my picks for assembly and mayor– (How lucky we will be if they win-)

Natalie Dawson (She is a whiz– and a wonder, chock full of great energy and ideas.)

Kevin Forster  (With his fine family here. Kev can do anything, and he’s smart, creative and curious-)

Our friend Craig Loomis ( What you see is what you get. He says it like it is, and cares deeply for the place he has spent just about his entire life in.)

and Tom–(Because he can say nice things about people that don’t like him, and he advocates for all that is good in Haines: the pool, library, school, museums, tribal governments, arts, non-profits, trails, parks, the fair, fesitvals, parades and local businesses.)