I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

I don’t think it could have gotten any wetter moose hunting. The water was not only falling from the sky it was bubbling up out of the ground. My guess is that September will be the 4th month in a row where we break a rainfall record. This is like living in Ketchikan. Speaking of which (and having spent a fair amount of my life at cross country meets there) did you hear that  a bear on the trail halted the regional championships at Ward Lake on Saturday? The kids had to stop about 2/3 of the way in,  then they rested a few hours while officials made sure the bear was gone, and then they ran the race over again. Usually the trouble is high water and dead salmon on that trail. But this has been a strange season all over. I do not recall such fog and wet for so many days in a row, do you? I mean, it’s been like this since June! I am glad to hear that Haines Assemblyman George Campbell is recovering at Harborview Medical Center from 2nd and maybe 3rd degree burns to his hands and face that he got after a  fuel explosion on his moose hunting riverboat Friday. His wife noted that he is in good spirits, and they are both so grateful there was a moose hunting  nurse with them at the time,  Nicole Horton Holm, so he was treated properly from the get-go up the river –rolled in mud and then the cold river, and his skin was kept moist thanks to all that water until they reached the clinic and was treated before the medevac  to Seattle.  Harborview is a great place. I know he’s in good hands there.