I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

The sky has cleared and there’s frost on the rose hips and it promises to be a lovely evening to hang out downtown for the First Friday arts celebration, and there’s a ton happening. 5-7 the KHNS annual meeting and art print show is at the museum. I’d go there first, get some snacks and socialize, then walk up the street in time to see the portrait of Lani Hotch in regalia presented to the Jilkaat Kwaan heritage center in Klukwan at the Arts Confluence office at 6, and check out Kelly Mitchell’s art and Joanie’s fabulous displays and gifts at the Skipping Stone gallery. Visit, fortify with some refreshments, and smile at all the good doings in this town. After that think of those who aren’t here anymore, and head to Lookout Park for the annual Hospice of Haines memorial luminary walk 6:30-8. (The manager and assembly will also be holding a meeting on the mess of that minor offenses ordinance at 6 pm tonight in the Chilkat Center. Maybe they can stop by downtown on their way to feel the good vibes first?)

If you are walking in the sunshine earlier to day, you may want to vote early. The borough office is open for early voting now. Election day is Tuesday! Remember that the new polling place is the Chilkat Center for the Arts.

I love elections.

They are a chance for a new start, and Lord knows the Borough Assembly could use the help of some fresh eyes and ears at the moment, which is why I’m supporting Margaret and Tresham. Neither have been on the assembly before, which is a huge plus. They both represent big chunks of the community that haven’t often had a seat the table. Tresham supports the arts and local merchants and cares deeply about the future and our economy and is from a Port Chilkoot founding family– so there are roots and wings in his tool kit. Margaret has those two attributes as well– and even more. She is young, with a heart for the next generation, yet in an old fishing and artist family with Native roots. She’s really smart, and also -surprisingly- due to her gentle nature– tough. As a journalist, she was imbedded with overseas troops. I believe Tresham and Margaret will add balance and kindness to the discussions and decisions and represent all of us well.