I have to run back and make a few corrections (and I already made a splash with doing that yesterday-) They say that news is the first draft of history. I say blogs are the first draft of the news. I usually don’t publish anything without at least ten drafts, except these, which I do go over twice, sometimes three times– but obviously I’m losing my mojo. Blame the slush. Or the darkness, Or living sort of alone for two weeks while Chip is hunting, but I apologize. Yesterday, I meant to write that 2 (TWO) votes separate Bill Thomas and Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, they are counting more today, I think, but I could be wrong. Jonathan’s site is the place most up-to-date on that, so google him to learn more if you haven’t already, or check his facebook page. KHNS is a good source as well. Also, the volleyball game tonight is at 7, but tomorrow it’s at 6, and the bazaar will probably only last until 2, so get there early. And, Pearl wanted me to remind you that tomorrow is pet pictures with Santa day, at 11 at the Senior Center. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel is sponsoring it. (I promised Pearl the flea bath tub wouldn’t be there. But if you need a flea bath, as we did last week, HARK has the tub and shampoo and even a nice conditioner. Trust me, it’s easier than your tub. Don’t ask. )