I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

We are turning Halloween into a week long event this year– starting tonight with the Trick or Trot 5k fun run and walk at 5:30 in Dalton City, no matter what the weather. (A headlamp is a good idea.) There will be a fire pit, hot drinks, and prizes for the best costumes (which you trot around town and through the Fort in …) If you are over 17, a 10 dollar entry fee goes to the Well & Fit crew,  under 17 are free. We all know there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear, so if you have some good gear you’ve outgrown, or need some new stuff to keep you playing outdoors all winter, the Venturer Scouts are hosting a gear swap and sale at the ANB Hall tomorrow from 9-12. You may bring stuff then, or drop it off today between 4-6. (On your way to the Trot?) At 6 tonight the Friends of Recycling host an annual meeting and pasta feed at the school. The David Myles Trio is performing at 7:00 Sunday night in the Chilkat Center. Finally, that big pile of stinky wood from the old dock next to the Fire Hall is up for grabs. The Borough is accepting sealed bids on part or all of it until Halloween. Check with acting manager  Julie Cozzi for details. If you do buy some do not burn it in the stove or even burn the scraps from any project in the backyard. It’s treated with chemicals and creosote  and the fumes could give you and all of us cancer, and that would be a really bad trick and no treat at all.