I live and write on Lingít Aaní, and gratefully acknowledge the past, present and future caretakers of this beautiful place, the Jilkaat Kwaan and Jilkoot Kwaan.

It’s that happy dance, we have survived the worst of it,  kind of time. It’s been raining on the beach and snowing in the mountains and there’s more daylight here now than in Aruba. It’s  light enough to walk the dogs right after Morning Muscles at 7 am, and still light after yoga at 7 pm. (I know, rough life.) Also, I saw a camera crew on Main Street yesterday and it wasn’t the Discovery guys following Parker and Grandpa John around, their clothes were too colorful and expensive. It had to be pro-snowboarders, another sure sign of Spring. Although this week our boy miner star Parker did speak to Larry King, who still has a TV show down south, and I heard he made us proud. A few weeks ago I told Parker  that I noticed an awful lot of bleeps on the show, he looked chagrined and said his mother, grandmother, and aunts have all said the same thing. But he said it’s not as bad at it sounds, he thinks they put some of those bleeps in to add drama. In more news from the hometown pride department, I had a note from a writer friend in Anchorage who has been watching UAA basketball games, and wondered if I knew Kyle Fossman. He said, totally unsolicited mind you, that Haines’ own Kyle is the best player on the team, has a terrific shot and is really fun to watch. Doesn’t that make you happy? In other signs of the season, rather than write an editorial about how ridiculous it is that the school can’t or won’t pay to help send the local spelling bee winner to the state finals in Anchorage, the newspaper editor wrote a check himself. There’s just not time to bleep around about it. Three cheers for Tom. The library will be back on summer hours March 4, the Fireweed is getting ready to open, March 1 is the Mountain Film Festival at Harriett Hall, and the little children’s ballet recital in March 2.  Tickets are going fast. I can’t wait to see the dance featuring dads with their little ballerinas (and of course the 3 year old prima ballerina in our family, on stage in her You are my Sunshine costume.) In the meantime, there’s a concert tonight at 7:30 at the Chilkat Center. The Good Lovelies, a fun women’s group who have won Canada’s Grammy, the Juno, will be singing. Childcare is provided by the cheerleaders at the event. There’s a junior high basketball tournament this weekend too, and Sunday night at 5:30 at the Fort Seward Lodge there’s a burger and movie fundraiser for the ladies who were burned out of the cabin last weekend. They lost a lot of personal items, but fortunately Sylvia’s bassoon was being stored elsewhere. Thank God the three young women were all out dancing at the time, as Sylvia said later, she never thought dancing would save here life, but there you have it. Dance more, bleep less, applaud more, and write a thank you letter to the editor.