That’s about all I’m doing these days for the company, as it is kind of bad manners to run the vacuum cleaner around people playing cards– even if there is dog hair up to our ankles. Also, in the good news department, I had three big things in June (well, sort of four, but I lumped the family reunion week following the wedding as one big thing) — the bike race June 15, the wedding reunion June 20 or so to June 30, and book deadline July 1. The bike race was great, the wedding wonderful– and just to prove I am not superwoman (as my dad, who brought us 30 or so family members for dinner every night for a week said, often. Honestly, what choice did I have but cook?) I did not make the deadline. Couldn’t do it all. But, my kind and gracious and very patient editor has given me till August 1, so I am back at my desk, which has moved from the house to a table upstairs at the lumberyard for a month. I feel better already. Now that you know all about me, here’s what else you should know: the 4th of July is Thursday, and Nelle still needs some help with the Friends of the Library cookout, especially grillers. (I am on the paper plate, chip & bun table.) If you’d like to bake some cookies, the Friends would appreciate them for the bake sale as well, just drop them off after the parade. Speaking of the parade, there will be a marching band this year. If you can play and walk at the same time, and haven’t been recruited, don’t be shy, call Tom at the paper for the details, 766-2688. Fireman Al’s Texas barbecue is Saturday at the fire hall, and also on the 6th there’s a fundraiser at the golf course to help with expenses for Jamie Stanford’s little girl– I promised Kathy P-J I’d tell you all about it, and will as soon as she gets me all the details- in the meantime you can call her at the golf course or talk with Melissa Ganey. Now enjoy the gray, cooler day. Clean your house if you are able, weed the garden, can some fish, get that paperwork done at work, write that book, or walk the dogs and enjoy the waving grasses and bright fireweed.