The sun is out, the snow is mostly gone, the geese are back in the ponds on the beach, and my neighbor Betty saw her first hummingbird. No doubt the little guy rode up on the back of a goose. Is that true? Or an old wives’s tale? Is it just a coincidence they arrive at the same time? Speaking of sure signs of Spring, I think the Olen Nash Memorial Big Air snowboard competition is this afternoon, although there may be little air and it may be continued tomorrow. The organizers are a bit loose. They are snowboarders. I know that yesterday one went scouting for jump locations and didn’t find much nice snow near the road. So we’ll see what a lot of shoveling dudes can do. This afternoon at 4:00 there’s a celebration of Amanda Wilder Charles’ life at the ANB Hall and tomorrow is the Blessing of the Fleet at 3:00pm at the boat harbor. It lasts about a half hour, and has beautiful readings and prayers. The Men of Note sing, as do the Haines Acapella Women’s Choir. Of course the names of all those lost at sea will be read as the church bell tolls, and friends and family will drop flowers provided there in a basket that will taken out on a gillnetter and scattered in the inlet. Most years there are no new names added, but this year’s Blessing will be doubly difficult because of Richard and Ted. I’m not sure I can stand it. But the prayers and the singing will help. There’s a reception with cookies and coffee at the church afterward. The weather is supposed to be grand all weekend– perfect for a bike ride, hike, walking the dogs on the beach (though it’s breezy and much cooler in the wind, so bundle up) and for watching the night sky for northern lights. Breathe deeply. Maybe Spring has finally sprung?
Has Spring Sprung?
Apr 13, 2013 | Blog