“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.” – W. Somerset Maugham
Sometimes wonder sneaks up on you. Here we were, sipping coffee, nibbling at the last of the Christmas coffee cake, even complaining a little about how dark it is at ten o’clock, how gray, how wet, when suddenly, and I mean suddenly, and silently too– the world changed. It’s snowing. Big white flakes, fast and straight. It was magic. Like movie snow. But real. I had to share it with you.
Almost everyday I walk with a friend on the beach, and almost everyday the same thing happens. We start out with greetings and thoughts from home and family, and then we dive off the news of the world cliff– from the number of families that receive food boxes each month, to wars and greed and grift and the earth on fire. It is really easy to go down that dark tunnel and not see the wonder right in front of us. And if it’s hard for us in a place this wonder-filled– that’s a big problem.
So what can we do?
I’m not a big New Year’s resolution person. Once a year is not enough. I lean toward daily resolves. The smaller, more doable, and more accountable kind of intention works best for me. My attention span is short and getting shorter it seems. Today I will notice delight when it’s offered, and I will have faith that it will be. You already know this, but the miracle is that when you decide to look for something, even really tiny, that lights you up, even for a second– you will find it. Lights are everywhere. (And another thing, since I have your attention– if you want to be delighted by the people around you, try being a little more delightful yourself.)